Test, test, hello, is this thing still on?
I’ve recently made a big shift on this website by moving from org-mode to Gatsby and merge it with yukiisbo.red.
Why move away from org-mode?
While I still prefer org-mode to write plain-text documents, its ecosystem for creating a complete static website (i.e. not just a single page HTML document) to be very lacking and require additional engineering work.
I’ve made one before using org-publish and following a write-up by Toon Claes for his blog writepermission.com. It works well for the most part and I used that for a while.
However, while it was nice that my blog reflects my Emacs configuration but it has lead to a mountain of annoyances which results in requiring a mountain of hacks to tame this dynamic.
In addition, embedding content other than text with this setup is painful which led me to barely use mediums other than text in my posts.
While this whole thing isn’t an excuse for me to be on a long hiatus in terms of writing, it left a nagging feeling in my mind for a long time and became one of the main deterrents when writing.
What led me to move away from org-mode to Gatsby?
Recently, I started working with the Nix Documentation Team on nix.dev which uses the Sphinx static site generator. I’m not a stranger to it as I worked with it when I was working in the coala project. While it’s not perfect, I felt more productive using it.
It led me to consider dropping org-mode for my website. I was considering ablog which is an extension for Sphinx to make it for blogging. That felt like a hack so I put it at the back burner.
Then, I got reminded of Gatsby which is a static site generator that uses React.
Why Gatsby?
I typically avoid client-side frameworks (CSF) as they tend to bloat the website with a mountain of unnecessary JavaScript and render the website unusable for people who doesn’t use JavaScript using extensions like NoScript or “limited” web browsers like NetSurf and Lynx.
However, it seems a lot of things has changed in the frontend world. Single Page Application (SPA), where JavaScript is necessary to render entire web pages client-side, has stopped becoming the only thing available when using CSFs to create entire websites.
I have heard of Server Side Rendering (SSR) before but I tend to not use them as they used to be really complicated. Even then, the idea of running a server that does computation to build web pages on the fly from JavaScript code is overkill. Especially when those pages would’ve been static HTML documents if it wasn’t for CSFs.
However, today, Static Site Generation (SSG) with CSFs has become a lot more accessible, thanks to tools like Gatsby and SvelteKit.
This approach essentially boils your components written in JavaScript with CSFs to static HTML first and then introduces bits of JavaScript on top of them.
Therefore, it makes JavaScript not a requirement for visitors while still allowing you to still use the rich ecosystem of CSFs.
Before you had to use tools like Jekyll, Hugo, and others which I never liked mainly because they tend to force your hand to follow their pre-built structures or use a [terrible template language].
To be fair, I dislike every single template language (ex. Jinja2 and m4) because they essentially work like a parasite whose terrible language embeds itself inside your documents (HTML markup or even source code). In addition, they’re unaware of what they’re actually manipulating other than they’re just plain text files, therefore unaware of details in your document like semantics.
I personally prefer an approach with domain-specific languages (DSL) where you represent your problem using a purpose-built language for the domain. You can see this in action with tools such as Dhall, Lucid, Laravel’s Query Builder.
Naturally, I like JSX which is an HTML embedded domain-specific language that boils down into JavaScript expressions that generates HTML DOM. This is possible thanks to Babel using a transformer.
Because at the end of the day it’s just JavaScript extensions, you can reuse the capabilities of the JavaScript language and libraries to manipulate DOMs.
In addition, the TypeScript version (TSX) introduces types to JSX (and HTML) which makes it really pleasant to use.
In conclusion, I use Gatsby because it allows me to use the React ecosystem while still making the site usable to those who prefer to not run JavaScript.
Why JavaScript?
A lot of people will disagree with my choice as they simply dislike/hate JavaScript and refuse to use anything from its ecosystem.
Recently, I’ve grown to dislike dogmas (ex. JavaScript sucks and harmful).
By their nature, they blanket over a large scope without actually giving any
meaningful thought other than writing long winded rant-ridden opinionated essays
on “why $THING
sucks and harmful”.
I believe it’s much more productive to make decisions for problems based on research that is relevant to the problem at hand and realize that ultimately every single decision is a compromise and there’s no such thing as a “correct” decision. The pursuit of perfection is a fool’s errand.
If you’d like an example when dogmas lead to bad decisions, I recommend reading Robert Nystrom’s Considering GOTO Harmful and watching Tantacrul’s Music Software & Interface Design: Steinberg’s Dorico.
Ultimately, I chose Gatsby because my main focus for this project is making written content for y’all to read.
And for my particular use case and preferences, I believe it allows me to spend more time writing than everything else related to running a website like this.
The fact that I can reuse the rich ecosystem that surrounds the React framework allows me to write less code and more posts.
Is Gatsby perfect?
Hell no.
It took me a lot of time to convert my org blog posts into MDX.
It doesn’t help that I kept stumbling upon arcane unhelpful error messages, such as:
$ npm run develop
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.002s
success extract queries from components - 1.869s
success write out requires - 0.007s
ERROR #gatsby-plugin-mdx_10001 PLUGIN
Failed to compile the file "/home/yuki/src/git.yukiisbo.red/yuki/nextgen/notes/mic-check/index.mdx". Original error message:
Could not parse expression with acorn: Unexpected token
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/gatsby/dist/utils/babel-loader.js):
SyntaxError: /home/yuki/src/git.yukiisbo.red/yuki/nextgen/notes/mic-check/index.mdx: Invalid left-hand side in prefix operation. (1:2)
> 1 | ---
| ^
2 | title: "Mic Check"
3 | date: "2022-12-17"
4 | slug: "mic-check"
not finished Building development bundle - 2.233s
It doesn’t indicate which line resulted in the error nor does it provide any helpful indication.
It throws this whenever MDX is unable to parse your “Markdown” file (despite them being valid Markdown, so this issue is mainly because their parser is bad).
It really feels like we’ve reverted back to the 80s with Commodore BASIC where
syntax errors just results in a single cryptic message: SYNTAX ERROR
Also, I learned the hard way that when gatsby-config.ts
results in an error,
it will spam errors that are way more unhelpful because they’re unrelated to the
actual issue.
$ npm run develop
success source and transform nodes - 0.071s
success building schema - 0.219s
success createPages - 0.005s
There was an error in your GraphQL query:
Cannot query field "allMdx" on type "Query".
If you don't expect "allMdx" to exist on the type "Query" it is most likely a typo. However, if you expect "allMdx" to exist there are a couple of solutions to common problems:
- If you added a new data source and/or changed something inside gatsby-node/gatsby-config, please try a restart of your development server.
- You want to optionally use your field "allMdx" and right now it is not used anywhere.
It is recommended to explicitly type your GraphQL schema if you want to use optional fields.
File: node_modules/gatsby-plugin-page-creator/create-pages-from-collection-builder.js:45:13
See our docs page for more info on this error: https://gatsby.dev/creating-type-definitions
ERROR #gatsby-plugin-page-creator_12103 PLUGIN
PageCreator: Tried to create pages from the collection builder.
Unfortunately, the query came back empty. There may be an error in your query:
Cannot query field "allMdx" on type "Query".
File: src/pages/notes/{mdx.frontmatter__slug}.tsx
In addition, console.log
doesn’t work inside gatsby-config.ts
so good luck!
While this was an absolute pain in the ass, now that everything is setup, the end result is quite pleasant.
Why the merge with yukiisbo.red?
It was quite painful to maintain two different websites uses different tools to maintain.
At the same time, having two websites on two domains feels dumb, especially when I typically “promote” one over the other.
Therefore, I felt merging them both under one repository and one domain to be the way to go.
Now that it’s been more than a year since I stopped using social medias like Twitter and Mastodon, this website is pretty much the only public space that is my own where I express myself and I’d like to keep it that way.
What’s next?
I’m really hoping to write more in the near future.
Currently, on my spare time, I’m busy working on documentation with the Nix Documentation Team and my main focus for now is on the nix.dev website.
Other than that, my job title and responsibility changed in my workplace. I’m now the Chief Technical Officer and I need to get used to that title or find an alternative title that isn’t grand.
Anyway, that’s all for now. See you next time. Hopefully.